New Music Videos & Creative Tech by dan tramte
Score Follower ->
Founder/CEO of “one of the most valuable new music resources on the net, indeed anywhere,” Dan Tramte receives thousands ofmusic compositions annually to be included in the public archive he founded. Across his accounts, including the score follower TikTok, his music videos receive upwards of 5M views per month, despite its supposedly niche appeal.
Music/Media Portfolio ->
As an artist & musician, Tramte's own music is made for internet audiences. It's meme-like. It's like scrolling through a social media feed. It's game-like, like Just Dance! and Guitar Hero. He likes to "webify" contemporary music otherwise meant for stuffy concert halls through his video production. He deeply understands new music's place on the web, and how to leverage it to promote his peers. In fact, he made an experimental music concert hashtag trend on This NEVER happens. Not in this field.
Teaching/Work/Coding ->
Dan worked in academia (Harvard University Head TF, Virginia Tech, & Rochester Institute of Technology) teaching music, media, video games, anime, and creative coding.